Who We Are
The Lake Tahoe Destination Stewardship Plan acknowledges that the land to which DaɁaw (Lake Tahoe) belongs, is the homeland of the wá∙šiw (Washoe) people, that the Washoe are the original stewards of the land in and around the Lake Tahoe Basin, since time immemorial. The Washoe Tribe of Nevada and California has maintained their role as environmental stewards of the Lake Tahoe Basin (despite policies that sought to eradicate them) by continuing to advocate for their homelands and to protect, respect, and take care. ʔuwaʔáŋawi (Thank you) for participating in this process and your ongoing commitment and support of this initiative.
An unprecedented collaboration of public and private sector organizations from the greater Tahoe region have come together to develop a shared vision and destination stewardship plan to better manage outdoor recreation and visitation. For the first time, regional land managers, local governments, visitors authorities, the Washoe Tribe, and non-profits are working together on a coordinated destination management framework that will inspire all to take care of Tahoe.